Districts of Kerala
Details about all the 14 districts of Kerala. Information about the districts along with headquarters, tourism and tourist destinations in each district, transport facilites etc...
More about Kerala districts;

Kerala districts : Alappuzha | Ernakulam | Idukki | Kannur | Kasargod | Kollam | Kottayam | Kozhikode | Malappuram | Palakkad | Pathanamthitta | Thiruvananthapuram |Thrissur | Wayanad
District wise List of Ayurveda Resorts & Clinics
Kerala Geography
geographic details about Kerala like location, extend, neighbours, geographical regions, climate, forests, flora and fauna, rivers, mineral resources, geographical map etc...  

Kerala History
Details about the history of Kerala. About the various peroids of Kerala history, kings and rulers of Kerala, arrival of Europeans, freedom struggle etc...List of important events and years in Kerala History, myths about the origination of Kerala etc...

 Maps of Kerala A collection of  Kerala Maps. Get a better idea about the state of Kerala from the various maps of Kerala.

List of Kerala Maps :
Kerala Location Map - India map showing Kerala's location
Kerala Political Map - District and district head quarters
Kerala Physical Map - Geographical divisions, physical features
Kerala Forest Map - Area under forest cover, forest types
Kerala River Map - Rivers and backwaters of Kerala
Kerala Population Map - Districtwise population density
Kerala Tourism Map - Major tourist destinations and hill stations
Kerala Road Map - National, state highways, other main roads
Kerala Distance Map - Road distance between main cities
Kerala Railway Map - Railway route, main railway stations
Kerala Distance Calculator - Find distance between Kerala Cities

Kerala People
About the people of Kerala and their ancestry. Also details about population and census in Kerala, religions, religious population, dress code etc...
Kerala Education
 School Education in Kerala, School education is divided into 3 different stages, viz.,
Lower Primary ( Classes I - IV )
Upper Primary ( Classes V - VII )
Secondary ( Classes VIII - X )
Higher secondary
Higher Secondary ( Classes XI - XII )
Primary or Elementary Education: Is the basic stage in schooling. Primary is further divided into Upper Primary (UP) and Lower primary (LP). Apart from the the primary schools there are pre-primary institutions which include Anganvadis, Independent primary schools and other institutions attached to schools.
Number of Primary Schools in Kerala
Schools Govt. Pvt. Aided Pvt. Unaided Total
L P School 2551 4003 158 6712
U P School 957 1870 124 2951

Secondary (High School) and Higher Secondary education:
This serves as a bridge between the Elementary and Higher Education to prepare young persons of the age group of 14 to 18 for entry into higher education.
Number of Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools in Kerala
Schools Govt. Pvt. Aided Pvt. Unaided Total
High School 984 1409 215 2608
Higher Secondary Schools 416 512 339 1267

Vocational Schools:
These were setup as part of the scheme of vocationalisation of secondary education and the scheme was implemented in 1988 and later revised in 1993. The main aim of implementation of such a course is to train the students for some occupation, business, profession or trade.Number of Vocational Schools in Kerala
Schools Govt. Pvt. Aided Pvt. Unaided Total
Vocational H.S.S. 247 128 - 375

Higher Education:
This refers to the education at college or university level and is divided into Graduation (Bachelor's degree) and Post-Graduation (Master's degree). With the colleges offering a wide variety of courses in various branches of study to choose from, the students are provided with ample opportunities to specialize in fields of their interest. All colleges in Kerala are affiliated to one of the seven Universities of the state.
Number of Arts and Science Colleges
Government Private Unaided Universities
38 148 5 8
Professional Education: With the introduction of the new educational policy by the state government, which enabled private colleges on Self-Financing basis, a number of colleges offering professional education commenced throughout the state. Admission to most of these colleges are based on the marks obtained in the entrance examinations. Self-Financing colleges offer 50% seats on merit basis and the rest in management quota.
Women's Education: The government is committed to bring about basic change in the status of women through education. Education helps in the emancipation of women and thereby improving their standard of living. Female literacy rate in Kerala is 87.7, which is higher than the rate in any other Indian state. Emphasis had been laid on enrolling and retention of girl in normal schooling and non-formal education.

Adult Education:
This include both general (reading and writing) and vocational education, often through evening classes. Such classes are conducted throughout the state, especially in rural and tribal areas, by government organizations and voluntary association

Kerala Festivals and Celebrations 
Kerala is a land of colourful festivals. Kerala is a land of diverse cultures, religions and communities with a rich miscellany of social habits, festivals, and customs. This section gives an insight into various Kerala Festivals like Onam, Vishu, Thrissur Pooram, Boat Races etc...
Onam Festival of kerala | Vishu | Kerala Boat Races | Thrissur Pooram

Kerala Ayurveda & Treatment 
Details about the Ayurveda system of Medicine, Ayurveda Treatment and Ayurvedic Home Cure.
Ayurveda Body Test to know your Ayurvedic body type. Also find how to treat some of the common diseases.
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