Monday, May 30, 2011


Kerala tourist information will help you to navigate in and around Kerala easily. If you are thinking of going to Kerala here is Kerala Tourist Information that would provide you with various details of Kerala like climate, geographical boundaries, some do's and don'ts, health and safety measurements in Kerala. Kerala Tourist Information will make you able to give travelers an idea of when is the best time to get to Kerala. Kerala has the Arabian Sea in the west, the Western Ghats in the east with approximately forty four rivers. Kerala is the most sought after tourist destination in Asia with such unique geographical features.
About Kerala:
Endless sun faded white beaches with splash of continuous calm blue waves that roars loudly and disappearing that's one part of Kerala the other part is of groves of coconut plantations that borders the beaches giving space to lagoons and the tempting backwaters. Streams flow through hills and paddy fields joining the backwaters finally. The blue mountain and the beautiful artwork of nature with color schemes, the picture perfect boatman rowing and women planting seeds or making the coir mattress, Kerala is all about serenity and pristine living as it is aptly called 'Gods Own Country'.
Facts on Kerala:
- Kerala is spread about 38,863 sq km and is located at the Southwest tip of the Indian peninsular.
- The capital of Kerala is Thiruvananthpuran also known as Trivandram in short.

- Kerala enjoys a tropical type of climate.

- The languages spoken in Kerala are Malayalam and English.

- Kerala is the only state with 100 per cent literacy rate.

- Trivandram, Kochi and Kozhikode are some of the main cities in Kerala.


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